Friday, January 16, 2009

There's a new way to eat around here

We have a rule at our house. You can't have desert if you don't eat your dinner. Growing up I got annoyed when parents would let their kids pass on dinner but they still let them have desert. I remember my sister telling me that would change once I had kids. Well she must of forgotten how stubborn I am. So now it is a rule at our house. Tonight William would not eat his dinner (no surprise there- he goes in spurts). Well Scott got out the Oreo cookies and a cup of milk. William was so interested in how Scott was eating his cookies that he wanted to try it too. But instead of dunking his cookies in milk (because he hadn't gotten any), he dipped his quesadilla in his milk. We giggled and thought he would stop after one bite. Nope, he ate his whole plate of food this way. He dunked it all! And ate it all! So indeed, he got his cookies afterwards :)
After William and Harrison went to bed, I went straight to baking. William's birthday is tomorrow and I was excited to get ready. He loves Thomas the Train. Although buying a cake at the store is great and all (and we have done it that way a few times), we like to bake homemade cakes for birthdays around here. I can't say I am the most artistic person but I am pretty proud of my cake.

And now for the clean up............Ugh!


Martha said...

That's hilarious that he dunked he quesedilla. :)

Awesome cake!!!!

Happy Birthday William!!!!

Kate said...

That cake is incredible! What an excellent birthday present from a great mom.