Friday, January 2, 2009

Harrison's first haircut

So I think I caught up on all of my posts today:) Harrison got his first haircut today and William his second. Here is the before picture of Harrison.

He chose to get his haircut while riding a horse.

Here is the after shot. He actually looks almost the same. His hair was curling up over his ears so he needed a trim.
William really needed a haircut. He had a mullet in the back and when he wore a hat, it looked like he had a pony tail. He had to ride every thing including the pink Barbie Jeep but he decided to get his haircut on the same horse as Bubby. Don't ask what he is doing in this picture. It looks like he wants to raise a finger to the camera.
And here is the after shot for him. He looks so different to me!

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