Friday, October 30, 2009


Well I decided to take the test. The last test of my mixology school and it is the speed test. I was very nervous to take it. Over and over again all I heard was, "nobody passes the first time." And I was very intimidated by the instructor giving the test. I heard horror stories. Even with hearing how horrible it is and that no one has ever passed their first time, I couldn't go in with the mentality that I was going to fail. Nervousness and excitement stem from the same hormone. So I went in with the "excitement" of thinking I am about to graduate from this school. Call it excitement or call it me shaking in my boots. The speed test is making 12 drinks in 7 minutes. They use bar slang and if you have even a tiny error, (short straw, glass, wrong garnish, waste alcohol, etc.) it is wrong. And you also get distracted when he asks you to wipe down the bar or turn a label out while testing. Well I felt prepared but ok if I didn't pass. I drilled with some guys who were very fast and good and that helped a lot. I was drilling and finishing at 6 minutes the night before so I felt I could try and what is the worst that could happen? Ha. So here was my test.

First round:
Long Beach Ice Tea "Top Cabin"
Courvoisier Seperator "down and dirty"

Second round:
Gold Driver "on St. Patty's day"
Kioki "fit for a king" and "with big red balls"
Traditional Orgasm "top cabin"

Third round:
Old Fashioned
Creamsickle "top cabin" and "with a bang"

Fourth round:
Mai Tai "top cabin" and "for Joan"
Singapore Sling

Notice you don't get anything like what would actually happened in the real world- a beer, rum and coke, etc. Throughout this, you can call "second call" once to hear the list of drinks before you set them out on the bar. It was tough as I didn't think my nerves would come over me like they did. But honestly, the instructor was opposite of what I expected. He was rooting me on and complimenting me the whole time. It made the test so much better. And guess what? I passed. With 6 minutes and 51 seconds, I am officially a licensed Mixologist. What a relief to have this stress over with (the speed test). Now I can look for a job! :)
The pretty flowers Scott congratulated me with :)

Oh Harry!

Clumsy, yes! Bruises every where all the time, yes! Broken bones or stitches? NO, not yet at-least. But he did make his way to the emergency room yesterday afternoon. But this time it was not his risk taking or lack of fear. It was his big brother! Harrison came out of the room yesterday crying and sat on my lap. He buried his head in my chest and I consoled him. But then I felt something cold on my arm. I looked down and it was blood. I didn't see it when he came to me so I turned him around and sure enough the back of his head was gushing. Now if you don't know this, the head bleeds profusely when there is a laceration. I learned that with William when he got his stitches. I obviously started freaking out because there was so much blood. I couldn't even see his blond blonde hair. So off to the E.R. we went. On the way I asked William what happened. His response was he hit brother with a paci. I didn't believe him because there is no way a paci would cause a laceration like that. When we got to triage, he told the nurse he hit Harry with a block. I didn't believe that either because I was thinking of the plastic stacking blocks. William may have caused the drama but he was very helpful with Harrison. He held his hand and kept saying, "it's ok Harry, we taking you to the doctor." It ended well. Harrison didn't even need stitches. Just call me the over-cautious mom! But when we got home, I saw a wooden block on the floor and it has very pointed edges. Now we know exactly how it happened.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today we went to Fillmore to ride the train to a pumpkin patch. It was really fun besides it being so hot outside. We thought it was a two hour excursion since the train leaves every two hours but we were wrong, very wrong. It was a four hour excursion! Seeing we left for church at 9:20am this morning and didn't get home until after 6:30pm, we were all exhausted. The ride was very pretty.
The boys loved playing with the pumpkins.

And dancing to the music.
Trying to sit on very small pumpkins...

Jumping in the jolly jump.
Sliding down the slide.
Jumping down the slide.

It was so much fun.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How long were we in the kitchen?

That was the question Scott and I were asking ourselves as we passed our little ones in the living room and saw the wonderful artwork on our fireplace. And boy, were they ever proud of their work. Luckily it washed right off.
Toddler talk: My favorite moment today was right after I gave the boys my extra change to put in their piggy banks. It is funny because they like to put money in each other's bank and not their own. They will figure that out later in life :) But afterwards Will wanted more money. When I told him I didn't have anymore, his response was,
"We need to go to the store and buy more money."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rock-a-bye Baby

They are just too cute! William told Harry to come "sit with me." When he did, he wrapped his arms around him and started singing "Rock-a-bye Baby." Just adorable.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ahh the beach!

Back to our normal routine. We headed for the beach this weekend. We haven't been in about a month and we were itching to go. The weather was absolutely perfect. Of-course we love taking Miss Belle too. Look at her. You know she is thinking, "I can't wait to get back in the water." Not sure what William is doing here but I love the picture.
And of-course Harry has more sand on his face! Look at that grin. Yes that is a band aid on his head. I tell you that kid is going to give me a heart attack. He has absolutely no fear. Friday night he was jumping off the couch over and over again. I seriously just ironed my shirt and had it on for a minimum of 2 seconds and plop, the kid lands on his face in the most horrifying position ever. He was face down with his legs suspended in the air doing a back bend. I thought he was going to break his neck. I rushed over to him and picked him up. Before I could see him, I saw blood dripping all over the floor. He has a gash on his forehead. The point of telling you I had my shirt on for 2 seconds is that it obviously got ruined with blood. And two minutes after cleaning him up, do you know where you could find him? That's right. Getting ready to jump off of the couch!

Maybe our next family picture????

Friday, October 16, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel???

Well I am almost done with my bartending school. It's bad that you can come and go as you please because it ended up taking me longer to finish than I wanted. My goal has always been to have a job by the end of October so hopefully I can get my butt in gear. I ended up taking off 3 weeks around my birthday and another week last week. And I only went one time this week but it was important because I decided to buck up and just take the written test. Everyone told me just to take it to get a feel for what is on it. Only one person in the history of this location has ever passed the first time. But to me, I can't just go into something knowing I am going to fail. It just isn't my personality. So after taking it (it WAS harder than I thought it would be), I started thinking of all the questions I got wrong. The owner is so detailed oriented that you have to be very specific. I passed with a 97%! Lets make me the 2nd person to ever pass the first time- woo hoo. And I got my results back from my TIPS certification and I received a 93% on that. Now all that is left is the speed test. I am hoping to take it next Friday if I feel comfortable. That means I need to practice! So I was telling Scott that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But he said, "really, but then you have to start interviewing for jobs. And once you get one, you have to learn all of their stuff." Thanks Scott! Ha.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Long naps

So you know how rain makes you want to take a nap? Well I got my wish. A two hour nap and I slept hard! I think I post about rain every time it does here because it happens so infrequently. So in looking at my blog, the last time was February 16th. And I shouldn't call it rain but a drizzle but I will take it. The funny thing is it kept the boys mesmerized for an hour this morning. Will said, "mommy, why is water falling from the sky? The truck is wet!" I have been horrible about posting lately. We have had company over 25 days. My mom was here for 14 and Scott's parents for 11 days. Maybe one day I will catch up???

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Congratulations Scott!

Scott was recently promoted to the Zone Agency Manager (ZAM) for the Western Zone of Farmers Insurance Group. Scott is transitioning into his new role and will officially begin on Monday. AND we don't have to move!!! The position is in California so we are going to be here a while longer- woo hoo! I am so proud of you Scott!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Is that scary Harry?"

So it's been a rough weekend for me. I have been down with a migraine for over two days. I feel bad for Scott's mom because she came to visit and I have been hiding in the dark in my room. With the pain not easing up, Scott took me to the emergency room last night. Everyone knows I have been diagnosed with migraines and have suffered with them for years. But I have been lucky enough that since my pregnancies with the boys, I do not get them as often nor have I had to be hospitalized since the first day we moved to Utah. So I have been lucky until yesterday. Nothing would ease the pain. As soon as I got there, they gave me a shot of fenegen (for nausea) and a shot of morphine. This didn't help. Before leaving, I had gotten four shots of morphine and toradol. Plus I was sent home with percocet. The nursed joked saying I shouldn't be breathing because of all the medicine pumped into me. She hadn't seen anybody where the morphine didn't work the first dosage. This morning wasn't any better but I am now finally starting to feel better (cross your fingers for me). Scott and his mom did take the boys to a festival in Moorpark on Saturday and made it to church this morning.

And Scott caught this on video last night.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Projects, projects, projects.

I think the boys really liked our projects this week. Not that they don't like what we do each day anyway but these ones were pretty rewarding.

We colored our very own piggy banks. Great art work! And then got to put some of Mommy's money in them! Nice.
Then we made shapes with our playdough.
Out of the 100 shapes we have, William chose the letter "W" and said, "this is mine. this is for my name!"

Today we made our OWN cupcakes. Licking the spoons were pretty fun.
Harry chose cherry icing and Will chose Strawberry. Interesting too since Will tells me all of the time that he hates strawberries.
Yum Sprinkles...
And the finished product.
And do you see a problem here? Is Harrison an Archer? Will has eaten his whole cupcake and Harry hasn't even touched his yet. And do you like the look Harrison is giving Will?
What Scott gets to look forward to when he gets home from work.
