Monday, August 31, 2009


I had a few people ask me what "classes" I was talking about in one of my posts so I thought I would clear the air. We have come to the dreaded realization that California is WAY too expensive to live off of one income. So I need to go back to work. Scott and I both like that I am a stay-at-home mom and want to keep it that way as much as possible. Neither one of us want to send the boys to daycare. So we tried thinking of what jobs I can have at night that actually pays anything. Retail? No. Serving? No. Stripping? Yes, but I am definitely not doing that! Ha. Bartending? Well yes. There we go. So I have enrolled myself at the National Bartenders School. Right now I am studying to get my Mixology license. And I have to tell you, it is pretty fun so I chose something that is fun-yay. I still have a long way to go. The school I go to has job placement so that will help. I also got my TIPS certification yesterday (TIPs - Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol). Actually I have to wait about a month for my test results. I am also taking a bottle flipping course. And I am taking a class to become a connoisseur of wine and coffees. Yes I already think of myself as a connoisseur of wine (ha) but I will actually have a certification proving it now :)

It is fun but a lot harder than I thought it would be. And it is overwhelming. I hope to cram it all in in the next couple months so I can get a job by the holidays. I want to work about 3 nights a week. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Terrific Tuesday!

Yesterday was jammed packed full of fun. First off, we all slept in!!!! It is amazing. I was at school Monday night and when I got home at 10:45pm, everyone was in bed. Now this is huge since William has become a night owl and has been refusing to close his eyes before midnight. And to top that off, he slept in the next day. So as I was making coffee I came into the living room to find Harrison looking at his Signs book. We got ready for the day and took Miss Belle for a walk before it got too hot outside. Then we headed off to Addison's house for a play date. William loves to take care of his glow worm at home but Addison has a baby doll that William loved to nurture. He patted her back and put her to sleep :)

That's Addison on the zebra (such a cutie). After our play date, we headed to the mall to ride the train. The boys really get a kick out of this every time!

And there is a little play area where they love to run around and climb.

After stopping in at the candy store (which they forgot about and is still sitting on the kitchen counter), we went to Chipotle for lunch. They were so good.

And a little FYI for you Chipotle lovers out there if you don't already know this. All 3 of us ate there for less than $6 (that's cheaper than McDonalds). They have items that aren't on the menu. You can get a large Quesadilla for $2.75 (it's huge) and a bean and cheese burrito (also pretty big) for the cost of 2 sides ($1.30 total). Then we came home. Did a little dance to the Hot Dog song (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and took naps. :) Yes naps!!!! Then Scott came home and I was back off to school. Fun fun.
Today we have been on the go again but just our typical Wednesday stuff (gym, etc).

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Air Show

Today we went to Camarillo for the Wings over Camarillo Air Show. William and Harrison both love helicopters and airplanes so they were in heaven. There were several planes parked to view as well as in the air. They even had a section for tractors (William's other favorite).

Look close...they had a reenactment of a rescue. That was kind of cool to see.

All of us had a fabulous time. It was really neat to see. We were saying that Great Grandpa Harry would have had a great time looking at all the planes and talking to the pilots. He served in the Marines in the Crash Crew in WW2. It's a traveling show so maybe it will make its way to Missouri.
Last night Scott and I went to see West Side Story. The lead actress, Maria, is the daughter of one of Scott's co-workers. It was a fun date and nice to meet more people from Scott's work. Tomorrow we are off to church as usual and then may head back to the Air Show or to the Beach. Can't decide...maybe the beach :) Such a hard decision, huh? :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Music Arts Camp

Yesterday and today the boys have been attending a Music Arts camp at a sister church of ours. They sing songs, dance, play instruments and make crafts. Harrison's favorite time is obviously snack time. Yesterday they had a great time playing with Play dough and today they colored. Our boys are definitely shy around people the don't know so it is a good way to socialize them with other children their age.
In other news, I need to find a cow:) There is some cow in Will's room that has "pooped on his floor." And William is scared of him. He brings up this cow all of the time. He just ran out of his room telling me the "cow scared him." If anybody has seen or heard of this cow, give me a call so we can catch him.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Unconventional Church Clothes

You look good. No, you look good!

(I'm not letting them wear the hats in church).

Weekend fun

We have pretty much been going to the beach every weekend lately. It's super fun and cheap! BUT I did get my first good burn of the summer yesterday. Geez, I have been really good at always wearing sunscreen. And I did yesterday too but that didn't matter as my ripe red stomach shows otherwise.

When we first set up our spot on the beach, this little girl came up next to us.
We thought she was super cute. She is a female seal. Well after a couple minutes, we realized something was wrong since she was all by herself. The Marine Animal Help was called. Only one guy came out so Scott helped him catch her and load her up. The guy said that she was significantly underweight and malnourished. So hopefully they can help her.
Afterwards, we played soccer.
This is my favorite picture of the day. William sitting on daddy's lap and Harry's WHITE surfer hair blowing in the wind.
Always sand in the face.
There was a really cute beach wedding going on right behind us.
William really enjoyed playing in the water yesterday.
Harrison really enjoyed looking for helicopters and planes.
It was fun as always. Now time to get ready for church. Scott is having his fun time by dirt biking right now. And the boys will be happy to see Shelby at church. Fun fun.

Good morning

Lazy boys...

Eating a granola bar and drinking milk while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It won't last long. As soon as they chow that down, they will be running around like crazy little boys. Ha

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lets be tourists today

Yesterday we spent the day exploring the sites in L.A. We started out by driving to the "Hollywood" sign. Then we drove to the Scientology Centre. There was a red carpet event being set up so our guess is that Tom cruise was in there somewhere :) ha.
We made our way to the "Walk of Fame" next. Again they were setting up for another red carpet event. It was the movie premiere for "In Glorious Bastards." But yet again, we didn't see any celebrities. Well unless you count the smelly Spiderman who took pictures with us:) Then we headed to Beverly Hills. Yes 90210! We drove down Robertson by Kitson in hoping to catch someone. We drove down Wilshire and Rodeo Dr. We did a lot of site seeing but never saw an actual celebrity-darn the luck. We ended our tour with stopping in the famous Sprinkles Cupcakes-yummo!
It was a fun day!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Where to start?

What a fun weekend so far! Friday night Scott and I went out for a date. We ate dinner at a nice French restaurant. The ambiance was romantic and so was my date. :) After dinner we went to a country bar. I think we were the only ones not wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. But I bet we are the only ones who have actually been to a real farm:) Ha. It was a real country bar though. These people were serious. The dance floor was only for real country dances. Everyone did the dance correctly and there was always a certain dance that followed the song playing. What I didn't expect were the old men (yes as in 90 years old) to pull ME out on the dance floor to make me dance the dance. That is an experience I won't soon forget.

Yesterday we went to the beach. Before we left, we saw a lost coyote at the top of our street (look above the light post-you can see him howling for his pack). We ate lunch and ran off some of those calories. Then we biked to Venice Beach, my favorite people watching place.
(William and Kelly)(Kelly)Um, the lady in the swimsuit with the large snake. The clown man on stilts. The random muscle men working out (or showing off). This guy in the patriotic thong that we see every time. Zoltar from the movie BigSome cute kids that get exhausted from all the people watching. Then we biked back to Santa Monica to play on the beach. (Me and Will) Awe, what a cute couple!!!!
And the Baywatch Babes (Stephanie and Kelly).
And of-course the cutest family.