Saturday, May 29, 2010

A walking advertisement for Farmer's Insurance Group

I wonder what someone driving by would think of eight people walking a dog all sporting Farmer's Insurance Group t-shirts and Polo's? Yes proud supporters of Farmer's Insurance Group. All NINE of us:)
Grandma and Grandpa A with the boys.
If you don't know who we are, you don't read this blog enough. Ha. Pile up. Auntie Stephanie, Auntie Kelly, William and Harrison
Ha. Yes, call us the Farmer's Family. Cheesy huh? We were going for a different family picture.

I love food

A picture of a roast I made the other day. Of-course I had to take a before picture while it was still very colorful. Mom Archer's birthday cake that Kelly made.
William preparing for our tea party. He got to paint his own miniature set.
And the tea party.
Yummy. We made cucumber mint tea sandwiches, smoke salmon sandwiches and egg salad sandwiches. We paired it with "renew" tea, scones, carrot cake and red velvet cupcakes.
A tart cheesecake Kelly and I made.
And my signature dish, spaghetti.

Never a dull moment

A little YMCA

Attack of the elephants

Monkeying around

Can you say, "I need attention?"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pretty Views

Lion and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Monday was spent at the San Diego Zoo. It was amazing. It is huge and there are so many animals. It was really fun because we were able to see a lot of the animals during feeding time. They were all active and playful.
Harry's favorite.


SeaWorld with the Archers

We spent Sunday and Monday in San Diego. This little sea lion was waving at us. I was surprised because the boys actually picked up the little fish and fed the sea lions. "Shamu. Shamu."

They knew we were coming and set up an exhibit just for us.

Kelly and Stephanie

William got a little tired. He is actually sleeping in this picture.