Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Harrison Prescott Archer

He is finally here!!!! Harrison Prescott Archer was born Sunday, January 27th at 11:54am. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long.
It was a much scarier delivery than William's. On Sunday morning I started having contractions steady from 1am-4am. A little after 4am, I passed a large blood clot and started bleeding heavily. We knew we had to get to the hospital ASAP so we woke up our wonderful neighbors to come to the house to stay with Will. Once we got to the hospital, my contractions stopped but they couldn't send me home because I was bleeding so heavily and Harrison had variables on his monitoring that showed him in distress. My doctor came in at 8:30 to break my water and everything happened so fast after that. I got my epidural (yes, I am a wimp) at 10am and they wanted to deliver him as soon as possible. I only pushed maybe 5 times for a total of 20 minutes. They lost his heartbeat several times so they had to attach an internal monitor to his head. During labor, they couldn't find his heart beat so they threw an oxygen mask on me and vacuumed him out while I pushed. They thought the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck but it wasn't. All turned out well and he is a very healthy baby boy! We couldn't be any happier.
William met his little brother but we can't tell how he will be with him yet. He wants to touch him but he doesn't understand "gentle."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Don't even ask....

Yes I am still pregnant. I had another doctor's appointment on Wednesday and he told me I wouldn't make it to the weekend. Well guess what? It's Saturday and I am still pregnant. I am just one of those weird women who walk around dilated at a 4 for weeks. Now I am sure I will stay preggers up until the day he induces me (the 1st). Harrison obviously likes the womb and is probably scared to come out:)

This week Scott took me out to eat for a nice steak dinner I have been craving. The terrible part was that all 3 of us ended up getting sick from it. It passed through Will and Scott pretty quickly but I felt like I had food poisoning for 2 days. I was just praying that I wouldn't go into labor feeling that way. Lucky me. All is well in the Archer household now.
Auntie Lauren bought William a vacuum cleaner and hammer for William's birthday and William is quite the fan. First of all, he is always in amazement when we, or shall I say, Scott vacuums the floor. Now he has his own and he is going to town.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Still Preggers

Yes, I am still pregnant. I think because we are expecting it, it isn't going to happen soon. I really thought today was the day because I haven't been feeling well at all today. I have been really nauseated and have had several contractions today. I had 4 back to back (8 minutes apart) but they let up. We will keep you posted. Here is a picture of William on his new tricycle. He figured it out fast. His surgery went very well yesterday and I have to say that my kid is the cutest kid ever to be seen in baby scrubs :) Today was a really big day for him. All he wanted to do was walk. He has given up on crawling and is so determined to walk everywhere. He looked like a little drunk. He kept falling down but got back up again to walk. He wore himself out and ended up laying down in the hallway where he was walking.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

William's 1st Birthday!!!

Tick tock, tick tock.....

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday to find out I am already dilated to a 4 and 60% thinned out. My doctor thinks I am going to deliver the next baby within the next few days. We were wondering if William would get a little brother for his birthday but I think he lucked out and gets to have this day all to himself. Scott thinks that since his sisters are two years and two days apart that our boys will be one year and one day apart. We will see.
Today is William's birthday and we had a lot of fun. We took him to a Family fun center where he got to ride his first carousel. Then we went out for pizza (William's favorite) and came out for cake and ice cream. He had a major sugar rush from the icing on his cake. We let him dig right in :) He had fun opening his presents. He got a Little Champs sports center which has a basketball hoop, tee ball and football. And he also received a Radio Flyer tricycle scooter. He is wiped out now and in bed. Tomorrow is his big day for surgery so he needs all the sleep he can get.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A productive weekend

The weekends go by way too fast!!! We did have a very productive weekend though. We organized the sub-basement, bathroom cabinets and William's room. We went through all of Will's infant clothes and washed them for the new baby coming any week now. AND I FINALLY packed my hospital bag today. It is so funny. With William, his nursery was done and decorated by time I was 5 months pregnant. And I packed and repacked (over and over again) my hospital bag 6 weeks before my due date. This time I feel like we haven't done anything. I am just now getting around to it and I have less than 3 weeks to go.

Today was our baby group day. The girls and babies came over to our house and they threw me a baby shower. I wish I would have taken pictures so I can post a picture of all of the babies. It is so hard to believe they are all turning one years old already. Boy does time fly?!

The biggest news of the day is that William took 11 steps on his own. He is getting more adventurous. He usually walks around holding on the whole time or will only take 2-3 steps at a time. So 11 was a big accomplishment for him. Other news is that he is having tubes put in his ears this Friday! I feel nervous to have him under anesthetics but the benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks and it is fairly common. His hearing isn't as good as it should be right now and if we don't have this done, it can affect his speech and communication over the next few years. This should drastically cut down on his ear infections and sicknesses.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A typical Sunday

The weekend has been good. It is snowing a lot here right now. Scott is up in the mountains snowboarding. William and Belle have been sick last night and today. I don't know if I am nesting but I decided to start organizing some more before the new baby comes. I feel there is so much to do before he gets here and I have less than a month to get everything done. As you can tell by the picture, William really thought he was helping me. Every bin that I opened, he had to crawl inside and explore what was in there. Needless to say, I think we made a bigger mess than actually organized anything :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Anticipating our new arrival

Today both William and I had doctors appointments. William had his 1 year well baby checkup. He is right on schedule for his developmental skills. She did say that he "talks" more than other babies at this age. He is scheduled to meet with an ear doctor to get tubes in his ears :( He has had numerous ear infections and with a couple months left of winter, she thinks it is necessary. My appt went well. My due date is February 9th but he will induce me on the 1st to make it easier for our families to schedule their flights. I am more nervous this time around. I guess it is because I don't kow how I am going to manage taking care of an infant and a baby at the same time with sleep deprivation. Thank goodness for family.

The holidays are over

The holidays are over :( It was a fun time of year being first time parents. I think we were more excited than William was. Scott's family came in for a long weekend. It was very nice to spend time with them. William was of-course spoiled. Now we are looking forward to next month when the new baby arrives and more company is on its way :)