Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Harrison Prescott Archer

He is finally here!!!! Harrison Prescott Archer was born Sunday, January 27th at 11:54am. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long.
It was a much scarier delivery than William's. On Sunday morning I started having contractions steady from 1am-4am. A little after 4am, I passed a large blood clot and started bleeding heavily. We knew we had to get to the hospital ASAP so we woke up our wonderful neighbors to come to the house to stay with Will. Once we got to the hospital, my contractions stopped but they couldn't send me home because I was bleeding so heavily and Harrison had variables on his monitoring that showed him in distress. My doctor came in at 8:30 to break my water and everything happened so fast after that. I got my epidural (yes, I am a wimp) at 10am and they wanted to deliver him as soon as possible. I only pushed maybe 5 times for a total of 20 minutes. They lost his heartbeat several times so they had to attach an internal monitor to his head. During labor, they couldn't find his heart beat so they threw an oxygen mask on me and vacuumed him out while I pushed. They thought the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck but it wasn't. All turned out well and he is a very healthy baby boy! We couldn't be any happier.
William met his little brother but we can't tell how he will be with him yet. He wants to touch him but he doesn't understand "gentle."

1 comment:

Martha said...

He's adorable! Congrats!! I'm glad everything went okay and everyone's healthy! It's an adjustment to have two but it does get easier... :)