Saturday, January 26, 2008

Don't even ask....

Yes I am still pregnant. I had another doctor's appointment on Wednesday and he told me I wouldn't make it to the weekend. Well guess what? It's Saturday and I am still pregnant. I am just one of those weird women who walk around dilated at a 4 for weeks. Now I am sure I will stay preggers up until the day he induces me (the 1st). Harrison obviously likes the womb and is probably scared to come out:)

This week Scott took me out to eat for a nice steak dinner I have been craving. The terrible part was that all 3 of us ended up getting sick from it. It passed through Will and Scott pretty quickly but I felt like I had food poisoning for 2 days. I was just praying that I wouldn't go into labor feeling that way. Lucky me. All is well in the Archer household now.
Auntie Lauren bought William a vacuum cleaner and hammer for William's birthday and William is quite the fan. First of all, he is always in amazement when we, or shall I say, Scott vacuums the floor. Now he has his own and he is going to town.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Awww... William is such a cutie, way to go training him early on the vacuum. :) I've been wondering about you... I thought for sure you'd have that baby by now. :)