Sunday, January 13, 2008

A productive weekend

The weekends go by way too fast!!! We did have a very productive weekend though. We organized the sub-basement, bathroom cabinets and William's room. We went through all of Will's infant clothes and washed them for the new baby coming any week now. AND I FINALLY packed my hospital bag today. It is so funny. With William, his nursery was done and decorated by time I was 5 months pregnant. And I packed and repacked (over and over again) my hospital bag 6 weeks before my due date. This time I feel like we haven't done anything. I am just now getting around to it and I have less than 3 weeks to go.

Today was our baby group day. The girls and babies came over to our house and they threw me a baby shower. I wish I would have taken pictures so I can post a picture of all of the babies. It is so hard to believe they are all turning one years old already. Boy does time fly?!

The biggest news of the day is that William took 11 steps on his own. He is getting more adventurous. He usually walks around holding on the whole time or will only take 2-3 steps at a time. So 11 was a big accomplishment for him. Other news is that he is having tubes put in his ears this Friday! I feel nervous to have him under anesthetics but the benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks and it is fairly common. His hearing isn't as good as it should be right now and if we don't have this done, it can affect his speech and communication over the next few years. This should drastically cut down on his ear infections and sicknesses.

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