Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Long naps

So you know how rain makes you want to take a nap? Well I got my wish. A two hour nap and I slept hard! I think I post about rain every time it does here because it happens so infrequently. So in looking at my blog, the last time was February 16th. And I shouldn't call it rain but a drizzle but I will take it. The funny thing is it kept the boys mesmerized for an hour this morning. Will said, "mommy, why is water falling from the sky? The truck is wet!" I have been horrible about posting lately. We have had company over 25 days. My mom was here for 14 and Scott's parents for 11 days. Maybe one day I will catch up???

1 comment:

Martha said...

That's hilarious that Will asked why water was coming from the sky. It has been cloudy/rainy and cold here for way too long. I miss the sun!!