Friday, January 2, 2009


Wow! I can't believe it is already 2009. It really is true that the older you get, the faster it seems time flies by. Scott and I were sitting down the other night reminiscing. It is hard to believe that it was 9 years ago I was on my Outward Bound trip on a island wondering if something happened because of Y2K. 8 years ago we graduated from college. And we started dating 8 years ago.

2008 had its ups and downs for us. Scott's grandmother passed away. William suffered second and third degree burns. We lived apart for two months during our relocation. Harrison has suffered countless ear infections (over 15). But on the other hand, we brought a new life into the world. Scott was promoted. We get to experience different parts of the country by moving. We get to watch our children develop their personalities.

I look forward to 2009. I look forward to Harrison getting his tubes on the 15th. He is going to be so much better without all of the pain he feels and doesn't know that is not how life is supposed to be. I get to potty train William. I know that will be tough but it will be nice only having to buy diapers for one. And we get to save on formula since Harrison will move over to cow's milk next month. Anywhere we can save money will be great. William is almost broke of the pacifier. We had him almost broke in September but then he had his burn and we gave it back to him. He had gotten so attached to it that he would cry for it during dinner time and we knew it was time to say bye bye to it. We have a little trick and he is pretty much broke of it now. I will post the trick because you will have to see a picture of it. What else? I am just excited for 2009 and hope everyone has a great year!

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