Tuesday, August 5, 2008

There isn't enough caffeine in this cup of coffee

I am so tired! I did not sleep 10 minutes last night...seriously. Harrison woke up at 11:30 and I thought he was just hungry. Boy was I wrong! Harrison is a pretty happy kid most of the time. He doesn't usually cry for any reason. The crying started as soon as I went to him and it did not stop. After an hour and a half, I thought he was teething so I gave him some teething tablets. After 3 hours, I thought he needed some Tylenol for whatever was wrong. After 4 hours, I gave him some gas relief drops thinking he had an upset tummy. 5 and a half hours later, still crying. I am not talking about a little whining. I am talking full blown screaming on the top of his lungs with no break, crying. I have never seen him do this for even a minute let alone 5 and a half hours. We tried everything to console him but nothing worked. I thought maybe he was having an appendicitis. At this point, I was really worried so Scott took him to the emergency room while I stayed home with Will. Scott came home an hour and a half later with the diagnosis of TEETHING. I feel so silly that my son had his first E.R. visit for teething. But 8 hours later....still screaming and crying. But everyone in the E.R. thought he was the cutest baby ever even with the crying. I know Scott is just as tired as me but I know he was excited about going to work this morning. I must of been really lucky with William because I never experienced anything like this. And if this is just the beginning of Harrison teething, I am in so much trouble. Now I know what all of these moms meant when they talked about teething nightmares. 8 and a half hours later, Harrison fell asleep in his swing. I am sure he is so exhausted. Will woke up so I obviously didn't get a catnap in. I told Will to be quiet so Harrison could sleep. But of-course he was concerned so he had to go up to Harrison and stop the swing to give him a hug and a kiss. I never been so scared to hear the screaming start but luckily Harrison woke up and went right back to sleep. Now every time Will walks by Harrison's swing, he grabs my hand and goes, "shhhh."

1 comment:

Martha said...

I really feel for you!!! It must be something with the second child because teething always bothers Hannah and keeps her up. She's never cried for that long though, I don't blame you for taking him to the ER. I would have also! I know how hard it is to want to sleep and the older child is awake so you can't! Hang in there!