Monday, August 18, 2008

Mr. Personality

William had his 18 month well baby check up today. He was a little late considering he is 19 months old but we had to wait to get into a new doctor. Anyway, he was all talk....until his shot and getting his blood drawn. At first, he was talking to the doctor and nurses. After the shot, he didn't want anything to do with them anymore. And Harrison thought that if his bubba was crying that he must have to as well :) Will weighs 26.5 lbs. He is in the 50 percentile (basically he is avg for his weight). He is 34.5 inches tall. That is the 85th percentile (he is very tall for his age group).

Our weekend was good. We really didn't do anything special but it was a nice family weekend together. Saturday, we walked to breakfast. There is this cute covered wagon restaurant with outside seating close to our house. After that, the boys and I went shopping for some "nemos." Since I started my salt water fish tank, I thought I would have Will watch "Finding Nemo" so he could get excited about our new fish. Well he was. We bought a pair of Percula Clownfish and a starfish on Saturday. Now one can see finger prints on the fish tank:) After that, Scott bought me a manicure/pedicure so it was nice to get pampered for a little bit (I needed it). We went out to eat as a family to a Japanese restaurant that night. And of-course Will met a new girlfriend. Sunday, we ran A LOT of errands and then took the boys to the pool for a little bit.

I don't know if I am too strict but William really hasn't watched any television for the first 19 months of life. I started feeling a little bad because other parents would bring up television characters and he had no clue of what they were talking about. Since we moved into a smaller house, we have two extra televisions so I put one in Will's room. I bought some educational DVDs and he loves them. That is all he watches though. I will have to ease into the TV thing. I think playing with toys is better for him and his imagination.

We go to Mexico soon and I am so excited. I am very excited to sleep in!!! I can't remember the last time I slept in. Scott tries to give me a break with the boys on the weekend but our house has paper thin walls and I can hear everything. And let me tell you that Will takes after the Payne side of his genes and he is not quiet.

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