Friday, April 2, 2010

Toddler Tidbits

  • I've noticed that when William and Harrison are having their own conversation to themselves that William has a nickname for Harrison. Example: "What are you doing Harr?" "Come with me Harr." It is so cute he calls him "Harr"
  • William keeps surprising me each day at how much he catches onto things. This morning he asked me, "Mommy, what is in Harry's LEFT hand?" He knows his right from his left thanks to Scott always referencing which hand he is using.
  • Whenever Harrison is tired and rubs his eyes, he says, "Soap in my eyes." He doesn't understand he is sleepy and always thinks he has soap in his eyes. It always gives me a little chuckle.
  • Harrison wakes up EVERY morning and asks, "where's daddy?" I would always explain it is this many days until Daddy will be there in the morning (weekend). Now William comforts him saying, "it's Wednesday Harry. Not till this weekend. How many days mommy?"
  • William doesn't know how to tell time yet but he makes me laugh that everything that has happened has happened "yesterday." And whatever time it actually is has to have "thirty" on it as well. Amazingly, it is always "3:30" in our house.
  • Harrison is talking so much now and it makes me happy and sad. I'm glad he can communicate so much better. It's like a big milestone realizing there are no babies in the house anymore.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Well, Brady seems to think it's always 7:40 at our house. That must be the time difference between MO and CA! :)