Thursday, July 9, 2009

Parenting 101-Me Time

As a parent, you understand what "me time" is. And sometimes it is really hard to come by. Scott does a really good job at giving me breaks when he can and he would always take the boys on Saturday mornings shopping if we didn't have anything planned. Scott works a lot and sometimes I feel like a stay at home single mom. And with William skipping naps and staying up late (he is up right now), I feel like I never get a break. It is so important, no matter how much we love our kids, to get a little bit of Me time in here and there. I have to admit that I have been feeling exhausted lately. Scott has been working 7 days a week and long hours each day. The past two weeks have been so much better and everyone is happier. William still comes to our bed. He goes for stints of sleeping in his bed and then he is right back in between us. I have become accustomed to the couch. That's another story. Anyway, back to Me Time. Scott had off on Friday and he made the day about ME. Actually nothing was planned. I ate breakfast with the boys and then I went back to sleep. He took the boys to the store and I stayed in bed until 11am!!! Yes, call me lazy but sometimes it is just nice not to have to do anything. Then , I went shopping by MYSELF. I ate sushi at a Japanese restaurant as I read a magazine in a booth all by myself. It was nice. I love my kids to death but I really enjoyed having that time by myself.

During the week my ME time is at the gym. 24 Hour Fitness has a kidsclub and the boys love it. With the repetitiveness on the news lately, I decided to start reading books during my cardio time instead of watching television. The last couple days I have read two books. The first was Skinny Bitch. I bought it because it was #1 New York Best Sellers and I heard such great reviews on it. About how funny it was and how real it was, etc. Ok, I cannot recommend this book to ANYONE. It was absolutely horrible. And the only reason I actually finished reading it was because I forgot my earphones that day. If you love vulgarity, profanity and want to become a vegan than maybe it is the book for you. Otherwise, pass it up because it is horrible! The other book I read was "In Praise of Stay at Home Moms" by Dr. Laura. Ok, I have to tell you that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this book. Every stay at home mom should read it. I can go on and on about how great this book is but my post is already getting long. I will let you know that I loved it so much that I bought 4 more Dr. Laura books the other day and that is what I will be reading during my cardio time this coming week. All in all, ME Time is so important in every one's life and I am so thankful that I am getting more of it now. And I am sure Scott is happy that he gets to spend more time with his family lately.

1 comment:

Kubik Family said...

Good for you! Honestly i feel like i get a break being at work. I admire stay at homes mom's SOO MUCH! You need the balance to ensure you don't get burnt out. Funny ya it's soo nice to have that "do nothing time". I don't think i appreciated it enough before kids!