Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Dear, you did good."

So I am sure I have blogged about this already but I have to go on. William is STILL sleeping with us. Ever since we took our little anniversary vacation sans the boys, he has been sleeping with us. He doesn't take naps. He stays up super late. It has been wearing on me. I need my "me" time. If you have ever been to our house, you know there is a set night time schedule. Well, that is out the window now for William. There are nights I tell William I am going to sleep. I don't know how he does it. When he does finally fall asleep, we sneak him back into his bed BUT he always wakes up a few hours later and makes his way back into our bed.

After trying what I thought was everything, I referred back to my "What to Expect During the Toddler Years" book. Our routine changed a little but not much. But it was the simplest things that are working. We ask him to recap his day which he used to do when daddy got home but now it is right before bed. Instead of saying his good nights to JUST mommy, daddy, Harry and Miss Belle, I take him around the house and he says goodnight to each room and some of the furniture. And after tucking him in, we remind him that we will see him in the morning. I thought I did this before but I guess not. I must of just said good night and I love you. But saying, "I'll see you in the morning" makes all the difference to a toddler with separation anxiety. And when he still feels like he doesn't want to go to sleep, we let him read more books to himself in bed. And after a few nights of him actually sleeping in his room, I heard "Dear, you did good."

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