Monday, September 22, 2008

William update

First of all, I want to thank everyone for praying for William. We appreciate it so much. William went back to the burn center today and was quite the little trooper. He didn't cry until they cleaned him which was to be expected but the doctors and nurse were so impressed that was the only time he cried. And then when he was all done he thank them and clapped :) So they took his bandages off and we are at a waiting period. Out of the 3 things I said would happen, it was number 2. He had a more advanced dressing applied today and has ointment for his face because now it is blistering. The good news is that it is too early to tell if he needs surgery which is good because if they would know today, it would have been really bad. The bad news is that there are two places where the burns are very deep and we have to wait until Thursday to see how this dressing works. They warned us that it looks like he will need skin graphing in those two places on Thursday. But the good news (if there is any) is that it would probably be only those two places. We will see. We are in a waiting stage right now. Please continue to keep him in your prayers and hopefully he wont need anything but new dressing on Thursday.

So just to continue this post...when it rains, it pours is our phrase for today. Our main concern right now is William but the day just keeps bringing us hiccups. This morning I woke up to a fish tank where the heater malfunctioned and killing the fish. Salt water fish are not cheap! Anyway, 5 died and hopefully that is all. I couldn't really do anything with the tank today for obvious reasons. But just as if that was all, the hospital called and said that we were not covered and that if we brought William in that it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!!!! So Scott, myself and several of Scott's co-workers were on the phones with our insurance, several hospitals and burn centers. After hours of frustrations and feeling more vulnerable that can be imagined, Scott managed to get things worked out. So lets hope it does. Then on the way home from the hospital, our check engine light came on. Then after picking Harrison up, he threw up on me and started coughing really bad. I think he may have an ear infection so Scott just took him to the doctor now. It is just one thing after another.

Thank you again for your continued prayers for William. We will keep you posted.


Kristen said...

Poor little Will! I'm so sorry you guys are going through this... I can't even imagine. We will be thinking and praying for you. Hopefully you will get great news on Thursday.

Loralyn said...

Grandpa Harry called last night and told us about little William. We are so sorry about everything and hope he begins to feel better real soon! We will pray you have good news on Thursday. I just talked to Steve and he said Nita is flying out tonight to help you out. We will keep you all in our prayers!Uncle Dave says to hang in there!!

Kate said...

Jymme! I can't believe what happened! I haven't read your blog in a few days and was shocked to see all this craziness. I am thinking about you guys--I know there isn't much we can do from Missouri, but we are definitely sending prayers and healing thoughts your way.