Friday, September 19, 2008

Time flies

Wow, how time flies by. William turned 20 months this week and Harrison will be 8 months old next week. And now I am starting to realize there will be less time for me to get anything done. Harrison is crawling everywhere which makes it twice as hard to clean the house with two of them on the loose. Today as I was vacuuming, Harrison was pulling on the cord and William was turning the power switch on and off. What should have taken 5 minutes took about 20.

Harrison does not like to nap. Now I know that William had a rough time napping because he liked to be cuddled. Harrison, on the other hand, doesn't think he needs to nap. He is so wired and does not settle down. Sometimes I think Scott puts coffee in his morning bottle :) Last year at this time, I had a job and was able to work from home with William. There is absolutely no way I would be able to pull that off now. It is fun to watch Harrison because he follows Will everywhere. It is nice at times because they will play together in William's room. Now Harrison also likes to antagonize Will and Belle by chasing them in his walker. He grabs onto Belles tail and he also likes to knock William down. But he does it with a cute smile every time and he squeals in delight!

William is having a hard time with hitting and sharing right now. And he doesn't seem to understand me when I tell him that is mean. I don't know where he got his temper. But he does seem to understand when Harrison is doing something wrong (example: Harrison was playing with the child safety latch on the fireplace and William was shaking his finger at him saying "no baby no baby.") William is very good at sign language right now. He loves to sign especially when it is time to go to bed and he needs to show off.

Well it has been a long week and I am so happy it is the weekend. Scott has been working late all week so I know he is ready too. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Martha said...

I feel your pain about not getting anything done! Hannah is getting into more and more and Braden picks at her so much. He wants to play with her so bad but is too rough so I'm constantly keeping him away from her. Braden has decided not to take naps anymore also which is rough, I need that break! I'm sure you can relate.

Question for you - how do you teach sign language? Braden used to know some but he learned it from daycare. I keep trying with Hannah but she's not picking it up. I guess I'll keep trying... :) Have a great weekend!