Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Big Brother 10

(If you don't watch Big Brother 10, you can skip over this post). Ok I am a reality show junky. Big Brother has always been one of my favorites. And I am so happy Dan and Memphis are in the final 3. I don't think that either one of them could have beaten Keesha in the end. BUT I can't stand Jerry. He talked trash on everyone and would jump to any alliance that would take him. I will be so upset if he makes it to the final 2. Anyway, what I don't get was when Keesha was evicted tonight, why did Dan tell Memphis he wouldn't take him to the end? Is it a "Renegade" show? If it is, I don't see how Memphis would benefit anything out of Dan making that comment? Dan truly is a great game player. I thought all of his antics would get him evicted at some point but I am glad to see he made it.

1 comment:

Trent Bryant said...

Alix and I had the same thoughts...why did he make that comment. My guess it is just a show so Dan can get Keesha's vote. Who knows...but we will find out tomorrow!! Also, I am sure Dan can talk Memphis into taking him into the finals...he can probably even talk Jerry into taking him if Jerry somehow manages to get HoH.