A BBQ Beef sandwich with coleslaw and beans
Corn on the cob
A Funnel cake
A basket of home made fried chips
A fried snickers bar
Fried vegetables (zucchini, artichoke hearts and mushrooms)
A Fried twinke
Cotton Candy
A Texas style turkey leg (huge)
I think that is it.
Well we did. In just a 5 hour time span, Scott and I shared the mentioned above. We took the boys to the LA County Fair Saturday. We tried every fair food possible I think. And no it is not possible. I did get sick last night. I blame it on my medicine that I have to take with food at bedtime. I obviously couldn't eat anymore so I didn't take it with food. Well two hours later I woke up with the worst nauseating feeling ever and barely made it to the bathroom to taste everything all over again- yuck!!!!
On a good note, the fair was fun. We were there for 5 hours and I don't think we saw half of it. We even got lost a couple times. I guess that is why they call it the largest fair.
Here is William at the petting zoo. He was not scared at all. He was chasing all of the animals down to pet them and play with them. It was so cute. We had to drag him out of there. I think he could have stayed in there all night. He is not scared of animals at all. On Friday we were getting ready to leave the house and the yellow lab next door ran right up to William and they were nose to nose and Spike (the dog) barked in his face. Will wasn't scared at all. Me, on the other hand, ran and picked up Will worried that the dog may bite him being that aggressive towards him. Plus Will hits Belle when she makes him mad so I didn't want him to hit Spike.
And here is what Harrison was doing while Will played :)
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