Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Terrible Twos? Definance? Lack of discipline?

Yep, I am sure it is all three. I'm pretty positive we have let these kids get away with way too much that they believe, "I am in charge" as William would put it. It is very exhausting. I am reading two parenting books right now and am grasping for help. I know Scott and I have both been bad about following through and disciplining correctly. I know the terms, "boys will be boys" and "it's the terrible twos" but I also believe that they have lost respect for us and I don't want this to continue. It may seem funny to read back on some of this one day but right now it is hard. Scott and I have really buckled down the last two days and are trying to gain back the control. I know it is our fault for allowing their actions. Here are some examples of a typical day:


Action: SLAP (Harrison hitting William)

Me: Harrison, please don't hit your brother. That is mean and it hurts him.

Action: SLAP, SLAP

Me: Harrison, if you hit your brother again, you are going to time out.

Harrison: "I want to go to time out." Action: SLAP (Harrison hitting Will)


William: "I just peed on Belle."

Me: "William, why would you pee on Belle. That is mean."

William: "Because I wanted to."


Me: Harrison, please share your gatorade with William

Harrison's action: pouring the gatorade out on the garage floor so William can't have any


Me: Harrison, please be careful with your granola

Harrison's action: Turning the package upside down on purpose.

5. "They" say to get down to the child's level and get them to look in your eye when disciplining them. I do that. I proceed to grab Harrison's head to get him to look at me. He closes his eyes.

These are all things that happened within ONE hour. Imagine the other 23.

Don't get me wrong, I love my babies and they have their good moments. Just lately there has been so much defiance that it is an all day struggle. Harrison is very violent and William truly believes he is the boss. I'm tired.


Martha said...

What books are you reading? I need them, also. There's a lot of disrespect going on around here... I'm trying to crack down but mostly just get laughed at... I feel your pain.

Kubik Family said...

Ugh i feel your pain..but i'm sure not as bad since i only have one child and he's not 3 yet :) We had a really bad weekend with him in Chico and since we've gotten home we don't give as many warnings as we use to, it is one and then to time out and hitting or even play hitting is an immediate time out with no warning. He was whining constantly also and we call him on it every time now and if he starts throwing a fit it is straight to time out. He does play the "i want to go in time out" so he goes and sometimes he enjoys it but sometimes he's crying a minute into it :) We just have to stay consistent...he tests us constantly to see what we will do. It is definitely exhausting. I don't know how u stayed so calm with all that happening in the same are super patient! :):) Is there any "currency/privalege" they have you can take away yet? We also try to praise him when he's behaving good and asking with good words vs whining it :) ugh..definitely a battle and every day learning new ways as they "grow up" :) I'm sure it's even harder for u as they feed off each other too! You will get there..hang in there! Have you watched Super Nanny..i LOVE that show and really learned the discipline techniques from her.heee All kids are different i think tho..some things don't work for some that do for others.