Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeling overwhelmed

Wow, this has been a very hard week. First I worked myself up stressing over William getting casts that I gave myself a migraine. A migraine that lasted almost 3 days. William has been doing really well with his casts. They have become weapons in our house. Those things are dangerous. Potty training in casts is not that easy. William was completely potty trained besides wearing a pull up at night. Now, not so much. He had an accident and got pee on his cast the first day so I let him wear a pull up. Now all down hill from there. He wants to wear his brother's diapers and he is refusing to go on the potty. I feel at a loss.

Second day in the casts and he gets the worst stomach flu ever. And 3 year olds do not understand to run to the bathroom when they get sick. Instead Mom gets to clean up the mess all over the house while trying to comfort the sick. Luckily it was just a 24 hour bug. But if anyone knows how to get the vomit smell out of a couch, PLEASE let me know. I have cleaned it over and over again. After cleaning so much, I have febreezed and also tried baking soda overnight and nothing is getting the smell out. Harrison started throwing up the following day but luckily he didn't get down. He threw up a couple times playing and just kept going and that was that. No more sickness for him.

Now as for me, I caught the bug Saturday morning. And I don't know if I am a bigger baby than my kids or if I got hit the hardest because I honestly couldn't move. I don't remember being this sick. Every fiber of my being hurt and ached. I lost 6 lbs in one day! Talk about a whole body cleanse. Yuck and no fun at all. Sunday I started feeling better but was extremely exhausted and got worn out very easy. I thought I was feeling 100% last night but this morning I wake up and feel nauseous all over again. I have chest pains and anxiety. I just feel like I can't catch a break right now.

Here are some pictures from Friday and last night.
Feeling lazy (we watched Madagascar and took a nap together). The boys said they were tired so they pretended to fall asleep on Belle's bed.

I hope everyone else has a great week and hopefully we are all on the mend although Scott just texted that he is not well-oh no!


Nana and Pawpa Payne said...

Oh those little munchkin hooligans look so cute and so devious.

Kubik Family said...

You poor mama...ugh this is like a bad dream! I'm soo sorry! Hope you are feeling better! This too shall pass..hopefully SOON! That is an adorable pic of the boys snuggling on the bed!

About said...

Poor Will!! I about died when I saw he had casts on, on facebook. We are thinking about you guys! I can't imagine what a tough week it's been. xo

About said...

The "about" person was me!! Erin Freeman! Sorry about that! Duh!