Well the day did not go as planned. Harrison woke me up at 6:30am with the stomach flu. By 10am, he was already in his 4th pair of clothes. So we couldn't go anywhere. I thought maybe my saving grace would be that I had to drop Belle off at Petsmart for a grooming appointment. William LOVES to look at all of the fish, reptiles, birds and small animals. Well that didn't go as planned either. Harrison started coughing and I told William we had to leave NOW. Well we were quick enough. Harrison threw up all over my hair, face, neck and shirt. I was soaking wet. Not fun! The drive home wasn't too exciting as Harrison got sick in the car again. Harrison finally took a nap at 1:30 and got sick while sleeping but I thought he needed the sleep more than cleaning him up at the time (I know how bad that sounds but he looked sheet white beforehand). William and I used that time to play alone together in the front yard. It was 88 degrees yesterday!. I'm so glad I let him sleep because when he woke up, he got a bath and the bug was gone! He was back to normal and jumping around. So it was a 13 hour bug. After 11 changes of clothes!
Thank God!
Here is William taking care of little brother.

Harry and Will received a special birthday basket full of their favorite treats from Gramma and Grandpa Archer.

Since William told Petsmart it was his birthday, they sent Belle home with a birthday bow. By the way, Thank you soooo much to Shawn for picking up Belle since I couldn't. I don't know what I would have done.
As soon as Scott got home, William was ready for his birthday presents. Harrison had no problem helping him open them. And I love that William encourages Harrison to help him.

And I really didn't do it on purpose: dress Will in a guitar shirt. That is what he picked to wear.

All that William wanted: more freight cars.

Books from Auntie Kelly and Stephanie.

And since I didn't have time to make a special cake (I will this weekend), a little personal cake will do.

I have to say I never imagined how great these years have been. Four years ago, there was snow covering the ground and Scott and I bet what time our little guy or girl would join the world as we drove to the hospital. My birth plan did not go as planned at all. But in the end, the best present that I could ever received was given to me that day, becoming a mom.
William, you make me the proudest mom. You are so smart and caring. You are polite and generous. I love that the FIRST thing you say to me EVERY morning without fail is, "good morning mommy, I love you." I love that you always think of your little brother. I love that you want to be just like your daddy. I love that you take care of Belle and your fish. I love that you are you. You make me so happy! I love you little guy. Happy 4th Birthday!
Happy birthday William! Sounds like it was a rough day at first but glad the bug didn't last long. I like what you wrote about William. He's going to love to look back on that. :)
Glad you guys made the most of the day! WOW Poor Harrison, you are a trooper handling the throw up all over you..ahh the joys of motherhood! Soo sweet William tells u he loves you every morning!I love those heart melting moments!
I'm glad Harry is feeling better. Happy Birthday to William!
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