My BABY turned 3 on Thursday. I can't believe it has been three years already. After preschool and church work, I tried to take the boys to the park to feed the ducks Thursday but they wanted to be home bodies. Harrison doesn't like cake. I know, weird, huh? But he loves ice cream. So I picked up an ice cream cake for him and he was in heaven. William was asking to have a side of ice cream with his ice cream cake. That is an Archer in true form there. :)

William bringing Harrison his presents...

The band. I have learned it is much easier to buy the boys the exact same thing in the exact same color to avoid any issues:) It worked!

Oh Harry Bugs. Three years ago we were in the hospital with a blizzard outside. Seriously, Scott drove off the road one time. We had only one visitor in the hospital and I was so surprised she made it there. You could barely see out the window it was all white. And now we live where I freak out if it gets below 65 degrees. Ha.
Harry, I love that you are so lovable. I love that you hold my hand just to take me to the kitchen or living room. I love that you get excited to pick William up at school or to come home to see Belle. I love that you love the simpler things in life, like marbles :). You are definitely your mommy's kid with being stubborn. I love you my little bug. Happy 3rd Birthday!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Harry!
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