Thursday, August 26, 2010

Medical Update

This job is proving to kick my butt. Well, actually I am ok once I'm there since I am so busy but the hours are brutal. I don't get to sleep until 1:30am typically and the boys wake me up around 6:30am. It also causes me more tachycardia. Anyhow, on with the post. I had to wake up at 5:30am yesterday to go down to Cedars Sinai hospital for more testing for my heart. I had to fast so my drive in gridlock traffic before 7am was horrible. I seriously thought I was going to fall asleep at the wheel. I guess I really wouldn't have hurt anyone since we were going less than 10mph. I needed coffee.

Because I had to fast, my arms look horrible from the nurses struggling to find a vein for my IV since I was dehydrated. I am STILL a "medical mystery." I stumped three more doctors yesterday. During one study, my heart jumped from 60bpm to over 120bpm with no stress induced. When I would talk, my heart rate continually climbed over 130bpm (while laying down). The problem is not only my heart fluctuating so much and so fast is that it doesn't come down without medication. It's a long story but basically what I have is debilitating and they are frustrated they were more confused and couldn't give me a diagnosis. They don't understand how I can honestly function throughout the day if a relaxing environment causes such negative effects, what does a stressful situation do to my body? What they do gather is that my problem is a neurological problem. Somehow my nervous system is overly sensitive (such as moving or talking and my heart rate jumps). So next I go see a neurologist at UCLA whose speciality is the study of the part of the brain that controls the heart function.

So again, we shall see...

1 comment:

Kubik Family said...

WOW this is seriously soo crazy! Hope you are feeling ok and that they get this figured out soon!!!