Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Underwood Farms

Ok so I am having a hard time figuring out my new computer or it has something to do with it being 1am. We took the boys to Underwood Farms last weekend.

Aunt Steph and Harry Feeding the horses. They love carrots.
Sampling the goods before making a purchase. Driving a truck.
Amazed at the animal show.
Wow I am so behind and have many posts to blog on. I'm going to keep it short and sweet till I get caught up because I at-least want to document these events. We took the boys to UnderWood Farms last weekend. It was so much fun. They had all of these things for kids to do and the best part is that you get to ride a tractor out to the field and pick whatever fruits and vegetables you want. Here are some pictures from the afternoon.

Kelly and William making the big climb :)

I love how beautiful this picture is with the mountain in the back and the flowers all around them.

William and Harrison riding a fun little train.

Riding the John Deer tractors. Great Grandpa A would get a kick out of this.

Picking berries.

Petting a pig
The show pony
For some reason, Blogger will not let me rearrange on my post tonight so that is why it is all out of order. At-least know I tried :)

1 comment:

Kubik Family said...

graet pics! Glad you got to have some fun! :)