Monday, August 2, 2010

When it rains, it pours!

Ok, where did I leave off? Well I ended up taking Harry to the doctor on Friday. I just couldn't get rid of his temperature. Good thing I did because he had to have a breathing treatment there because his airways were barely open. I had no idea! He has a bad chest infection and that is what was causing his airways to close. She was really worried about pneumonia. His tubes also fell out and he has a double ear infection. So besides the breathing treatment, he had to get a shot of antibiotics. He was sent home with two prescriptions.

And of-course William caught it. We just left the doctor's office. He also has a double ear infection. He has broken blood vessels in his eyes and at first, she thought it was from coughing. But with examining him, he has eye infections too! His fever was 103 at the doctor's office.

Scott and I have been taking plenty of vitamin C but now I feel a tickle in my throat. Oh please pray we don't just pass it around this house.

Also, my computer fell and broke. Yes, again. This will make number 4 in two years. And unfortunately, our warranty was up.

I got a job. Normally that is good news but it's a long story. I am still looking for another one and will take this one in the mean time. Basically the recruiter confirmed that he lied to me for his commission. I took it anyway for the money in the mean time and am working with another recruiting firm to find a better job. I am going to be working full time plus overtime weekends. And the kicker, it's second shift. That's a whole other post in itself. We (notice I say WE) aren't excited but it is what it is.

I'm sure more happened this week but it's hard to keep up with all the bad news.

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