Monday, November 3, 2008

These Californians crack me up

So the weather has gone from the high 90's last week to the high 60's this week. And I guess that means it feels like winter time here. It is so funny to me because we were taking a walk this morning and we saw a woman walking her dog. She was wearing a winter coat and a scarf! Now come on, a scarf! I had a t-shirt on and was hot in the sun. We saw another woman walking two dogs and she had Uggs and a heavy sweater on. How would they handle an ice storm in Missouri or a snow storm in Utah?

I will say it is refreshing to see a different season finally. Since we have lived here, it has rained twice. The first time was just mist and not even measurable. Saturday was absolutely beautiful here. It stormed and the rain came down so heavy. There was even thunder. It made me appreciate the rain so much when you hardly ever get to experience it.

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