Saturday, November 22, 2008


Every night we read three books to the boys before bedtime. They get to chose two and then the last one we read is always "Good Night Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown. We started reading this book to William when he was in the womb and we have continued every night since. William will always chose this book as his third. Tonight we got home late so we told him he could only pick out two books since it was passed his bedtime. First we read the "ABC Book" by Dr. Seuss and then we started reading "Good Night Moon." Well William was not ready for "Good Night Moon." He got down "Good night Bob" (a Bob the Builder book) and kept saying "Bob." The longer we kept reading "Good Night Moon, " the louder "Bob!" got. He thought we couldn't hear him because he got right in Scott's face and pointed to Bob on each page of the book and would yell Bob's name. I am sure you had to be here but it was pretty funny how determined he was to get us to read that book to him. He knows all of the characters..Bob, Pilchard, Muck, Roley, Lofty, Dizzy, etc. So as we read it to him we ask him to tell us who is on each page. We will also ask him where an object is (shoes, hat, cup, etc). Well Scott gets a kick out of how Will pronounces some words especially shoe. When Will says shoe, it sounds like he is clearing his throat. So of-course every page we turned, Scott asks William where Bob's shoes are.

1 comment:

Martha said...

That's funny! I bet you have 'Goodnight Moon' memorized like I do... "In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon..."