Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Family Day

Sometimes it feels like the weekend cannot get here soon enough. It was a pretty crappy week. I had another migraine Thursday and Friday. I had to take another shot, same story different day. I let someone get the best of me at work Friday night and it sent my heart rate up over 200 bpm. So I was excited today was Saturday. I actually slept until 11:30am without waking up once beforehand. Scott just let me sleep to my content :) It was nice.

Sorry about the pictures. They are all taken with my phone so the quality isn't the greatest. The boys relaxed reading books and such. We headed to the mall this afternoon. It is so funny to watch kids on the carousel. Most kids run to their favorite animal. Harry runs to the handicap chair EVERY TIME.
Will's pick was a horse today.

After the carousel, we treated them to frosted cookies on a stick.
Scott had the grand idea to take the boys to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It actually turned out really well. There was a balloon maker there today so they loved it. You can't really tell from the picture but Harry wanted a rocket ship.

Will asked for a train with smoke.
Then they were serenaded. I have no idea what he sang because it was in Spanish but the boys were amazed so that is all that counts.
And on our way home, we passed some people riding horses down the street. By time I turned to take a picture, they were already in a field.

It was a lovely day. I so miss our family time. We don't get to see each other much anymore or spend time with all four of us together. Today was nice.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey! I'm getting all caught up on your updates. Looks like a fun birthday and weekend after!! Keeping you in my prayers!