Friday, January 29, 2010

"String Bean"

"String Bean" is what Harrison was called today at his 2 year well baby check up. He is 35 inches tall (70 percentile) and 25.6 lbs (less than 19 percentile). So basically, he is very underweight. At William's 2 year check up, he was 35.5 inches tall and 29lbs. So Harry is a lot skinnier than Will was at this age. It is very hard finding food (healthy food) for these boys that they will eat. They do love steak and roast. I can always count on them to eat those items but anything else, it's up in the air. Both boys were given antibiotics today. William has a nasty cough. And get this...Harrison has another ear infection! And it is a bad one. William and Harrison had their ears checked today and both of their tubes have fallen out. I am not surprised that Will's have since it has been two years but Harry just got his last year. And it looks like he may be going back again-yuck. William was also referred to an Pediatric Orthopedic doctor. He still walks on his tippy toes (all of the time). His Achilles tendons are short.
I've heard of moms who make special cookies or desserts that actually have vegetables in them for picky eaters. If anyone has any special recipes, please be sure to send them my way so I can fatten up my baby. :)


Kate said...

I have not tried any of these recipes, but they sound great:

This book was written by Jerry Seinfeld's wife and she sneaks veggies into everything!

Alix Bryant said...

I don't have any recipes, you know me and cooking/baking, but we did put peanut butter on almost everything we could think of to fatten Isaac up. Goldfish, vegetables, bread, ANYTHING. Seemed to help... good luck, but he looks perfect to me!

Kubik Family said...

oh bummer about the tubes. Guess one of DJ's is half way out and the other is still in...he goes in on Tues for his 2yr check up so we'll see what his stats are! Well atleast it seems the tubes were working for Harrison, but that is no fun to have to get them put in again :( Toddler eating is soo tough, DJ has gone up/down of what he likes and doesn't for sure. Chicken nuggets are the only constant..hee!

Amanda said...

Andrew and Harrison have the same body type! It's funny how boys in the same family can have such a difference in weight at the same age. Henry weighs only 5 lbs less than Andrew & is 2 years younger! I just put butter in everything! :)

Kristen said...

I can't believe that Harrison's tubes aleady fell out... bummer! Hopefully you won't have to get another set, but if you do, at least you know they work.

Oh... no tips on recipes. We have the opposite problem at our house... big boys! In fact, Cooper was 25.10 at his 1 year check-up. I think Brady's about 38 lbs!