Friday, January 1, 2010

Knott's Berry Farm

We took the boys to Knott's Berry Farm today. We actually started going to Adventure City but passed Knott's Berry Farm on the way. We thought why not change our plans :) We all had a very good time. Scott is awesome at games. He won the boys a grand prize in basketball. It was his first throw and he had a chance for a "grand prize" if he made the really high basket and he did. We rode a lot of rides and saw some shows. This was Harry's favorite ride (the balloons). I was sitting with him so I couldn't get a good picture of him.
William is a little dare devil. He isn't afraid of anything and he always wants to sit in the front seat.
He even rode a little roller coaster and it was scarier than I thought it would be but he just loved it.
William may have loved the rides but he wasn't fond of Snoopy. Harrison liked him though.
The train was a big hit with both boys. In fact, we rode two different trains.

We also got to ride a Stagecoach.
It's so funny because it is January and we regretted wearing long sleeves because it was hot outside :) In other news, I received my first black eye as a mommy today. Harrison threw a fork at my face during lunch. Lucky me:) I am wondering how bad it is going to look tomorrow morning.


Martha said...

Looks like such a fun time! I like the pictures, especially the one of Scott and William with the background flying by. How's your eye today? I could see one of my kids doing that. Oh, and I'm so jealous of your weather. It's bitter cold here, makes it hard to get out and about.

Kubik Family said...

You guys have soo much fun! That's great the boys love the rides! Sorry about the black eye..gosh glad your eye is ok!