Monday, June 18, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Scott found a great deal on Groupon for family pictures.  I was really excited because we haven’t had professional pictures taken since Harrison was born.   Now granted, I take a lot of family pictures so I don’t feel like I am completely missing out but I have wanted professional pictures for some time now.  As a mom and a organized planner, I was excited for Sunday pictures.  We chose Laguna Beach because we knew we wanted beach pictures.  It was 2 hours from the house but we knew we would make a day of it. 
So let the planning begin.  I had to find the perfect outfits that would look good at the beach.  All of us had to coordinate but not be too matchy matchy.  The boys needed haircuts, I needed my hair highlighted and cut, Scott needed his cut.  I had to do my nails.  Scott and I found airbrush tanning on Groupon (yes, we did that!). It was my first time doing it but a tan was needed to cover up my tan lines on my knee from my brace.  I had to find the perfect jewelry to match.  What else?  It seemed like a lot of planning just for family pictures.  But everything had to be perfect. 
So we drove the two hours, changed in the car and waited.  Scott called the photographer 4 times.  He never answered and never called us back!  After waiting an hour with no response from him, we gave up.  I just cannot believe a professional would do something like that!  And today he has stilled not called Scott back!  All that planning for naught.  I only hope we can get our money back from Groupon.  But it wasn’t a waste.  I actually didn’t bring my camera with me.  Why would I need it?  But we weren’t going to waste the day so we took pictures with our phones, played on the beach and had a fun lunch in Newport Beach.  Here are some of our pictures from yesterday.  Who needs a professional?!  Ha

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1 comment:

Kubik Family said...

Ugh i would be SOO PISSED...glad you guys made the most of it and got AWESOME pics! You all look soo cute! I thought your hair looked more blonde...super cute! love all the outfits!