Thursday, March 15, 2012

William's Kindergarten Physical

Isn't it so weird to even write that as a title? How did my little boy get to be at this stage?! He is going to Kindergarten in August/September (start date is dependent on the school he enrolls in). We waited on his 5 year check up because California will not count it towards the Kindergarten enrollment until after March 1st.

He had his appointment on Tuesday. He did great. His hearing is great. There should be no excuse to why I get ignored sometimes. Hearing and listening are two different things though. ha. When he couldn't see an object on the eye chart, Harry called out the answer to him :) lol. But his eyes were still good. Harry just has very keen eyesight! His blood pressure was 96/50 and his pulse was 78. He answered all the questions she asked him (counting, letters, shapes, etc). He even gave more than she asked (counted higher than she asked, spelled his entire name not just his first name). The only part we failed at was he didn't know his birthday. NOW he does. I just never thought about having him know that right now. I also noticed on the enrollment forms, they ask if they know there address and phone number. Guess I need to get to work. The kid has a remarkable memory so it shouldn't be hard. She was very impressed and shocked with his calve muscles :) William is pretty solid. He weighs 49.4 lbs and is 46 inches tall. He is over the 90th percentile for height. That was no shock to us seeing that he is the tallest in his preschool. And he is in the 85th percentile for weight. Now if I can only get him to eat healthier.

The sad part was the shots. He had to get 5 shots and a little prick on the finger. I don't think he likes the site of blood poor guy because that is where he got upset. When the nurse asked if he wanted a sticker, he almost yelled at her with his answer of NO! He is smart enough to know that a sticker was not going to make him feel better. The poor guy looked like he rode a horse by bedtime. His legs hurt him so bad he was walking bowlegged. The next morning he spiked a fever but it passed by late afternoon. Today we had to go back to check his TB test and pick up some forms. The nurse teased him saying he had to get two more shots today. His little face dropped and he just said, "okay." She felt bad for teesing him.

We are still trying to decide on which school to send him to. In California, there is "school of choice." It's not like in Missouri where you just go to the school closest to your house. We have 21 elementary schools in Simi Valley and those are just the unified school district. MY first choice was a fundamental school but it is a choice lottery school and his number did not get drawn. Our second and third choices rank among the highest in Simi and both within walking distance from our house. I got the call last week that he got into both. So we are very happy about that. The only other option I am looking into right now is a Private Lutheran school. It is where they go to preschool now but grades K-3 are at another campus. I really love the idea of a Christian based school. They have religion classes daily and weekly chapel. Not to get all religious but did you ever think that there are all these school shootings right now because Government took God out of public schools? That is a whole debate in itself. I just really love the idea of not being shamed in school for praying and serving God. The issue is that obviously private school comes at a cost. They have a financial aid program and grants for tuition so we shall see if it's meant to be. I just worry because William is this amazing little kid who spreads God's word and I know it comes from home but it also comes from the preschool he goes to (Christian based) and Community Bible Study. We are in between churches right now so he is not in Sunday School. When the school year starts, he won't have those influences anymore and that worries me. So we will just pray about it and put our trust in Him. Even if it doesn't work out, we know that he got into a great school so we win either way :)

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