Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halloween Night 2011

Harrison was getting impatient with us.  He was waiting at the door for about 15 minutes while the rest of us got dressed.  Halloween1My little firefighter and Knight.  halloween2  Batman and Robin.  The boys loved that we were dressed up as Super Heroes.  William and Harrison actually addressed us the entire night by “Batman” and “Robin.” 

 halloween3 William and Harry with their friends Nicholas and Michael.  halloween4 The first house.  halloween5 And just like last year, Harry outdid William with going door to door.  I would usually wait a few feet back while they did their trick or treating.  I didn’t know why Harry’s basket was so much more full than Williams until I went up to a door with him and after he said, “Trick or Treat” and then “Thank you,” he added, “can I have more?”  My guess is he did that at every house!  His bucket was twice as full as Will’s and who is going to tell a 3 year old no? 

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