Friday, November 25, 2011

Fun Birthday Party at Scooter’s Jungle (and celebrities)

Last weekend, the boys had a birthday party to attend for their good friend, Leah.  The boys absolutely love Leah and this summer they played together almost every night.  She had her birthday party at a place called, “Scooter’s Jungle” and it was a lot of fun.  Scott even said, “I want to have my birthday here!”  Ha.

Here are some fun pictures of the night.  DSC_0887_edited-1-copy DSC_0896_edited-1Harry even talked Nana into going down a slide with him.   DSC_0904Most of the littles didn’t want to go down the big slide by themselves. But as adults, we all got a work out because as soon as you were at the bottom, they were requesting to do it again.  And they do not get tired!   DSC_0925_edited-1 DSC_0929_edited-1Here we are with the birthday girl.  Isn’t her expression just the cutest?!  DSC_0930_edited-1 DSC_0932_edited-1 DSC_0945_edited-1 DSC_0952_edited-1 Then you have William who had no fear and went down the slide by himself face first!  DSC_0959_edited-1Alright for those of you that never believe me that Jamie Foxx’s daughter lives across the street, here is the proof :)  You know I couldn’t just ask for a picture because I feel he has to go through that all the time and this was a family affair so I am not going to ask.  But my mom got a kick out of him coming up to her to introduce himself and shake her hand :)  Here he is standing next to Scott (you can click on the picture to enlarge it).   DSC_0992_edited-1 And with his daughter (Leah’s big sister)   DSC_1004_edited-1And the birthday girl herself.  DSC_0999_edited-1I love Harry’s expression as he makes new friends.   DSC_1003_edited-1  It was a really fun time.  And Harry keeps asking, “when can we go back to Leah’s party?”  lol

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