Saturday, November 12, 2011

Archer Tidbits

Lets be honest, I have been horrible about blogging lately.  I still haven’t uploaded my pictures from my sd cards.  Most pictures come from my phone lately.  It has just been really busy around here lately.  So at-least I am trying to update you all :) William and Harry love to help me cook in the kitchen.  They were so excited to find aprons their size at the Dollar Tree the other day.  William was ready to bake as soon as we got home. 


Here is Harry playing hide and seek with William the other night.   misc1 He fell asleep waiting on Will and when I checked on William, he was asleep in his own bed. :) 

Here are my little guys asleep in the morning.  They always climb into my bed and they snuggle together.  Most times you can find Harry’s arm around William.  misc2

Here are the little men excited for PJ day at school.  They were so excited.  Check Harry out!  He cracks me up.misc3

Oh Harry!  Him and his stickers!  This is common in our house.  misc4

One of my favorite.  Harry fell asleep in the rocking chair and William was quietly rocking him.  William is always taking care of his little brother. 

tea4 And that is it for now!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

William rocking Harry is about the cutest thing ever! Your boys must like each other a lot more than mine like each other!