Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

I decorated the kitchen all pretty. I made Scott's favorite for dinner: Meat loaf. And since he is out of town for work for three weeks, he was pretty excited to get his favorite home cooked meal before he left the next day. He brought me home beautiful flowers.
William was excited for more trains and freight cars. That is all he ever wants.
Harry also got a train but all he cared about was the candy in his bag-typical Archer :)

He helped Miss Belle open her bag too.
I'm late posting this but Happy Valentine's day to all!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Guthrie has been out of town this week also but he's back now... glad your mom gets to be there with you! (I did see that on Facebook, right?)

I love how you always get Belle something. Don't let Belle tell Emmy she's missing out. ;)