Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It is what it is

So I did some research on my little lizard friends- yes plural. They are California Alligator Lizards. Fortunately they are not poisonous but unfortunately they have a pretty mean bite. And unfortunately for me May is mating season and it seems they have found a lovely place on my back patio. And once they find a place they like, they don't leave. Fortunately they eat lots of insects so we shouldn't see many spiders, bugs, etc. Unfortunately for me, they are protected by the California Dept of Fish and Game so I can't kill them or prevent them from taking over my back yard. Honestly I am making my kids weenies. Little boys are supposed to love reptiles right? Well I am so scared of them that I don't want William to open the back door (seeing the are hiding right next to the door) that I told him they are mean and they bite (before I even knew they bit). Now he is scared to go in the backyard. We used to play in the backyard all of the time. I did venture back there this morning and one ran across my foot so I am seriously not going back there anymore. And this is sad since I love to grill. So I can't come to the realization I have to live with this especially since they are probably making babies now and only more will come but I guess it is what it is.

On another note, I found out that I have to have surgery on Monday. I have TMJ really bad and my jaw has been locked shut since Feb 28th. I can only open my mouth about a half inch but you couldn't tell just by talking to me. I have done everything else preventative before surgery with no avail. So Monday I will be put under anesthesia to get some steroid shots and my jaw relocated (that's the short of it). I will have to be on a soft diet for two weeks (basically pureed foods and soup). Fun huh?

And hey, my top 5 on American Idol made it!!! I really didn't think that would happen. I don't usually get into American Idol like this but this season of contestants are very talented.

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