Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Grandpa and Gramma Archer's visit

It's been a few months of Grandbaby withdrawal so it was time for a visit. We picked them up and had lunch at the Junkyard in Simi. It was our first time there and it was yummy! Next up, Six Flags Magic Mountain.

Then of-course as with any other Friday night, Los Torros for dinner. We can't let Fernando (the guitarist) down.

Saturday morning we woke up and Scott and I headed out for an over night date (post coming soon) to Palm Desert. We returned Sunday night in time for dinner. Here is everyone relaxing before bedtime.

And being silly.

Monday was 4th of July. I blogged on that day already. Wednesday it was time to go home but of-course park pictures first as this has become a little tradition of ours.

Bye Bye Gramma and Granpa A
We will see you soon!

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