Saturday, October 25, 2008

William's first hair cut

Well it took over 21 months to grow what he has and it was time for his very first hair cut. What a big day! It was just a little trim and we received a frame for his locks and a picture to remember this special event. They both had a good time at the Kids and Co Hair Salon. There was a playroom in the back with a slide, maze and ball pit. But when it came time for the hair cut, William got to choose between a four wheeler, horse, motorcycle and jeep. He chose the motorcycle.

He received a special lollipop (he has never had one before) and got to watch in the mirror. Here is a picture from earlier in the day. You can see his cowlick and his long hair. And the after shot.... Afterwards, we went to the pumpkin patch.


Martha said...

That looks like a fun place to get your hair cut!.. and William looks great! Braden has that same shirt and asks to wear it sometimes... "I wanna wear my helper shirt".

Kristen said...

I wish Brady looked that happy when getting a haircut! I keep thinking he'll get used to it, but I think it's actually gotten worse each time! The suckers don't even work anymore. :(

Will looks super cute with his new 'du!