Monday, October 13, 2008

Fire Update

We had a mandatory evacuation soon after my last post. I wasn't able to get much more in the truck besides ourselves. We headed back to our house after 5:30pm and were let back into our neighborhood. After eating dinner and watching the news, we decided to leave. We could see flames from our house and the newscasters were saying that winds were supposed to reach 70mph tonight. I am glad we left for our safety even though William will not go to sleep now. He thinks we are having a slumber party. As we left our neighborhood, there were 7 firetrucks just waiting. If you look at a map, Santa Susana pass is where the fire is (Porter Ranch). The Santa Susana turns into Kuehner which is our exit to our house. It is scary and we just hope we wake up tomorrow to good news.


Alix Bryant said...

I hope that your house is okay in the morning!! Just what you need, right?

Kate said...

Thinking about you...I'm sending rainy thoughts your way.

Sara said...

What? What? I need your number again. I got a new phone because the last one ended up in the toilet--good ol Will. Call me at 801-979-3701 when you can. What's up with you and hot things? Knock it off already. In fact, come back. Utah misses you and so does your house. Are you guys okay? Can I help? Want me to send some snow your way to put out the fire?

Martha said...

We're thinking about you and praying your house is okay!!!