Monday, December 8, 2008

Cowboy up!

William loves his cowboy hat and boots. He would wear them all day every day if you let him. There have been many times I check on him while he is sleeping and those little boots are on. Well tonight Scott thought it would be fun to pull out his cowboy hat that he never wears. Will thought it was great. He is daddy's right hand man and kept comparing their hats.

This past week was really busy. Nothing really big to post about just busy with appointments and the usual stuff. This weekend was nice. One of my college roommates and friend, Julie, came up and we spent Saturday together. It was nice to catch up. I loved having a girls day out and I know the boys enjoyed spending the entire day with Scott. Thanks Scott!

I didn't take many pictures this week but this one was great. William woke up from his nap. He was clean and there was nothing in his hair but this is what it was doing.

1 comment:

Martha said...

The matching cowboy hats are so cute!! I know Braden always wants to be just like his daddy. :)

That hair is hilarious also! Braden wakes up with some wild cowlicks sometimes but never like that. :)