Friday, August 24, 2012

William’s First Day of Kindergarten

Is this possible?!  Wasn’t he just born?  How does time fly by this fast?  At orientation, William cried and cried and did not want to go to school.  It was terrible.  So I was expecting the worst the first day of school.  He actually did very well.  He made a new friend.  The teacher kept the parents there for an hour and I think that was not a great idea.  When it was time to leave, he held on tight and started crying.  There was one other boy doing the same.  I waited until I got out of the room before I had any tears of my own.  And he has been fine ever since.  Today I had to stop him from playing to get a hug and kiss from him. 

I obviously took a lot of pictures on his first day.  He woke up to a special breakfast!



On our way to school. fd11fd12

Walking to school. first daywhite oakOutside his classroom with Daddy.


At school with his buddy, Nicky.  Look at how tall William is.  He is in kindergarten and Nicky is in 2nd grade. 


Meeting his new best friend.  fd5 fd6

At his desk.

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His first day is over.  He was first in line and saw us right away when we picked him up.  He had a great day.  He made a necklace that reads, “I survived my first day of kindergarten.”  He also made a picture frame of his first day.  He said, “This is the best day ever!!!” 


I surprised him with balloons when he got home from school.  And Harry’s big surprise for him was talking Gramma and Grandpa into taking them to the JumpAround.  lol.  That kid can sell anything. 

first day1kinder

He loves school!  Lets just hope it sticks!!!!  I’m so proud of you William. 

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