Mother's Day fell on Scott's birthday this year. After church, we went to Old Susana to eat. It is a cute little restaurant walking distance from our house. It is also where we had Mother's Day brunch last year. It was nice to sit on the patio and enjoy the perfect weather.
I didn't know if I should share this picture of William but it still cracks me up.
And I loved this picture of the boys with their Auntie.
After Scott's birthday celebration, I opened my gifts from the boys. I got a beautiful orchid and a new pair of work out clothes. Harry made me a very pretty flower vase (made out of a wine bottle) with a gerber daisy in it. William made me a pretty purse and a beautiful butterfly necklace and a certificate for him to feed Miss Belle. How cute are these little darlings?! I am so extremely lucky to be a mom. Here we are, me and my three babies!
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