Wednesday, May 9, 2012

8 years!

8 years ago, I married my soul mate (May 8th, 2004).We were giggling last night about how life changes over the years.  We used to make a huge deal out of anniversaries.  It still is but we don’t celebrate like we used to.  We would go on a mini getaway while one of our parents watch the boys.  This year, I cooked Scott’s favorite meal for dinner and then I left for Boot Camp :)  I came home and we had dinner with the boys and then opened our presents.  Harry was sent home from school yesterday for being sick.  There were a ton of kids sick.  I honestly think that it was so hot outside yesterday that the heat got to them.  Anyway, Harry slept in our bed last night and cuddled with us.  We just laugh at how life changes but we still feel so blessed at how everything is. Every year we follow the “traditional gifts” idea for our exchange.  Scott didn’t like bronze this year so he went off course lol.  He bought me beautiful flowers and a personalized vase with our initials and wedding date on it.

   flowers and vase

I went a different route that I knew the boys would love as well.  I thought back to each year we have been married and thought about my favorite memories from that year.  I tied that memory to the bottom of a helium balloon (on the back of the memory I wrote a related word definition to the memory as well).  And placed all of the balloons on our bed. 


  Then I had to search for the original pictures from that memory and made them into a collage.  I placed the collage into a bronze picture frame.  Here is what the collage turned out to look like. 

8 is Great!

And if you are interested in my favorite memories, they were:

2004: our wedding (obviously). 

2005: Little weekend getaways to Saint James Winery, Hermann wineries and West Plains

2006: Our move to Utah and family pictures at Millcreek Canyon

2007: William Jameson born

2008: Harrison Prescott born

2009: Romantic getaway to San Luis Obispo and Cambria

2010: Family getaway to Big Bear Mountain

2011: Family Vacation to San Francisco

2012: The future


I know I say it all of the time but I am truly blessed for what I have.  I have the most amazing husband.  He is my soul mate.  He is a fantastic father to the boys.  He is a hard worker.  And he is my best friend.  I love you Scott!  Happy Anniversary. 

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