Harry went to the pediatric dentist on Monday. Will stayed home with me since he was sick. We already know how apprehensive Harry is about Dentists but he had a great time. The place was awesome. We couldn't go to the
RocketShip Dentist because they are not in our insurance but our provider did refer us to "My Kids Dentist" which turns out to be just as cool. Video games, tvs on the ceiling, etc. Harry checked out great. He did not have any cavities. He needs to floss in the back and the gap in the front may mean that he has a 3rd tooth coming in? I would think you could see that on the xray but whatever. I'm just glad he doesn't have any cavities. The kid is always sneeking snacks and candy. Anyway, I have to tell you how sweet he is. He came home with these cool prizes that he picked out. A normal dinosaur kids toothbursh, a butterfly purse and a "tickle" toothbrush with Lightning McQueen and Mater on it.

He comes home and says, "I have surprise presents for you! William, I got you a tickle toothbrush and Mommy, I got you a butterfly purse. Do you love it?"
Just to back up a little, every night before bed and after our prayers I ask the boys what they want to dream about. Harrison's response is usually "butterflies and mommy in a field playing."
So when he saw the butterfly purse, he had to get it for me. Isn't that just the sweetest thing ever?! My heart melted. And I love that he gave William the cool toothbrush and kept the little one for himself. It just shows you that even though they are young, they really listen when it comes to loving others. And out of all the prizes he could pick, he picked present for me and Will. I love that kid!
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