I am honestly shocked he woke us up first instead of indulging. The trail led to the presents left for them.
Even Miss Belle had a basket and the boys helped her open it. I have to laugh. You got to love Harry’s hair in these pictures!!
Next they found all the eggs the Easter Bunny left in the backyard.
I love this picture of all three of them because if you look close Miss Belle found an egg on the chair. And yes she did pick it up!
Cute Harry finding a special egg for William.
Check out those baskets! Oh and those PJs aren’t the ones they woke up in. Those were the ones in their baskets that they had to put on right away :)
We got ready for church. Check out these handsome men.
After church, we went to Brunch at The Elephant Bar. The boys did eat really well. This is William stating he can’t eat another bite.
Later we went to the park to play since it was almost 90 degrees here yesterday.
We had a nice dinner afterwards. It was also my dad’s 75th birthday yesterday. I can’t believe it. I wish I could be in Missouri with my family to celebrate with them and have a great time together.
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