Late last week I took the boys to the Duck Pond. I’m sure you have seen these pictures on facebook but I have to say a little bit about it. William kept getting bit by the geese. He was hand feeding them opposed to throwing the bread towards them. So almost every time he gave the adult ones a piece, he would get bit. I told him to start tossing the bread. His response was, “Mom, I don’t want them to have to eat their lunch off the dirty ground!” How cute is he?!
We brought two loaves of bread. After going through those Harrison was so cute. He was talking to each one directly saying, “I’m sorry, we are all out. I feel bad you didn’t get enough lunch.” Seriously apologizing to every one of them.

Saturday William had a birthday party to go to. Here is a picture of him with his friends. And what do you know his best friend, Nathan, loves pirates too and that was the theme of his party. Here are the pirates :)
Sunday, after church, we went to the beach. We love Ventura beach but we decided on Sunday that we are going to start going south now to the beach instead of north. It was in the high 90s at home but the beach a mere 30 minutes away was 60 and that wasn’t bad but the wind off of the coast is what makes it so cold. So our idea of getting a little sun didn’t work out. But we had fun playing instead. do you like how my crutches became the markers for the goalie?!
Yesterday we had our friends, Nikki and Cooper over for a few hours. I can’t believe it but all 4 of them got along the entire time. Usually with 3 or 4 boys, someone gets left out or picked on and I was waiting for that complaint. But OMG, they are were so good and had fun. That’s my kind of day!