Well I am officially employed. It isn't the best situation for us but we are managing. I think this week will be the true test. Luckily Stephanie and Kelly were here this past week and it made the transition for the boys easier. Plus they let me sleep in in the mornings so I should see how I can handle it this week. The hours are killer. I have had a lot of stress over it this past week. I have never worked since Harrison has been born so he has always been around me. And with William when I was working, I had such
flexibility. Now it's a 3pm-midnight job. The tough part is that I really won't get to see Scott. He obviously isn't up when I get home. I work every other Saturday and Sunday's I work at church. William starts preschool in a few weeks so I won't see him on Tuesday and Thursday other than to drop off and pick him up. So there isn't much family time. It isn't an ideal situation. Plus I hate to say this but the pay is not good. I shouldn't complain because I should be happy I could find a job in this type of market. But it is less than half of what I used to make at
Indymac. I don't know. I know I shouldn't complain. It is just a very tough situation to be in.
Both Scott and I want to have a parent home with the boys. I know some people may think that is laziness not to be employed outside the home (although I will disagree with you) but that is the plan we always had. Living in California just doesn't allow for it. The timing is horrible with my health and I have had more stress this week to add to it. I don't want this to come off as a complain session. I just haven't wanted to comment on me working because it is stressing me (and Scott) out and I seriously start crying. So let it be. This week will be the true test if all of us can handle it.
Unfortunately our babysitter Jillian can't watch the boys while I am at work. She was accepted into a program for school a few hours from here.

She did recommend someone for us and she starts tomorrow. I am sure the boys will love her too.
I'm sorry that you're stressed. That does sound like a rough schedule. However, the great thing about it is that it sounds like the boys will have you or Scott around almost all the time, so hopefully you can see that as a positive. I'll be thinking and praying for you!
Ugh sorry to hear work has been a hard adjustment. And you shouldn't apologize for needing to vent, say what you need to! :) You will do what is best for your family either way! Love the new family pic!! I hope things get better!
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